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3 Navigation Tips

by Jeff Brown on February 06, 2014

"Change is not made without inconvenience, even from worse to better."  - Richard Hooker

“Status quo, you know, is Latin for 'the mess we're in'.” - Ronald Reagan

Like a house you have lived in for decades, Central's old website had accumulated a lot of "stuff," and not everything was put away where it belongs. Still, it's your house, so you could (sometimes) find what you were looking for.

Our move to a new web platform  - even though necessary - can be disorienting. Like that old house, you may love your new place and recognize the benefits of the move, but you still long for "the way things were" in some regards. In response to your questions, here are three tips (think of them as house warming gifts!) on navigating Central's new home on the web.

1. "Where's Info Central and the Sunday bulletins?"

Sunday resources have been consolidated to "Sunday @ Central," a page focused solely on the Sunday worship experience. Here you will find info on who is preaching, scripture references, links to bulletins and Info Central, and discussion questions pertaining to that week's sermon. You can access this page by clicking here.

2. "How do I watch a worship service on-line?"

Live streaming can be accessed by clicking the blue "Watch Live" button located on the middle of the home page. Alternatively, you can navigate to the live streaming page by clicking on "Resources" at the top of the home page, then selecting "Watch Live."

3. "I want to sign-up to receive Spotlight. How do I do this?"

The content for Spotlight, Central's weekly news email, isn't hosted on the website. However, you can sign up to receive Spotlight in your inbox each week by visiting our "Contact Us" page. Here, look for the orange button that says "Yes! I want to receive Spotlight." Clicking this will take you to a simple registration page where you can provide your contact information, and begin receiving this communication weekly.

New content continues to be added weekly as we work to continue development of our website. We've updated the sermons page for easier navigation, and are currently working on a similar "library" for teaching resources from women's ministry, Sunday school classes, and other sources.


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