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We Still Have 3 Services!

by Todd Denholm on June 24, 2015

Hopefully you are aware at this point that starting next week, July 5, Central is moving to a new worship schedule, featuring two Sunday morning services at 9 and 10:45am. What you may not be aware of though is that Central will still have three worship services, with the continuation of our 5pm service on Sunday evenings.

Historically, this evening service has been called Trio, and has been a “site” of Central that happened to worship on our campus. Some may have assumed that Central is continuing Trio as a separate community, but the goal is to actually better connect and unify this service with the rest of Central’s worship, while maintaining much of the same feel and style Trio has been known for.

There will be two primary differences to our third service starting next week. The first difference will be a new space. On July 5, the service will be moving into Central’s Student Center. This wonderful space will provide a warmer and more inviting feel, give us increased capacity for community, better audio and video technical abilities. It also allows us to better steward our Fellowship Hall space, which is being transformed for better use on Sundays. We also hope this move will generate some interest amongst new people and help us better integrate additional Central families into worship. 

The other main difference will be the preaching. Since its inception almost 10 years ago, Trio has always featured a different sermon than on Sunday mornings, and typically a different pastor as well. With Eric Stiller’s transition to church planting in the Central West End, our third service is now going to share the same sermon and preacher as our morning services. It is our hope that this will help unify our unique worshipping communities.

While these changes will require some transition, much of what has happened on Sunday evenings will continue. The music will continue to have the same quality leadership and musicians who provide a jazz-influenced, contemporary style. The service will still seek to provide a safe place for unbelievers and those who have left the Church to engage the community at Central. We will also continue to foster an intergenerational environment that has been a good home for many families over the years.

As our community seeks to find a new rhythm with the change in service times, we hope that Sunday evenings at 5pm will be a good landing place for you. We would invite you to come and check it out. If you would like more information about this service or ways that you could be involved in helping with the transition, please contact Pastor Todd Denholm ( ).

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