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Career Care Ministry Launched

by Christian Meeks on August 21, 2020

Needing to find work can be challenging even under the best of circumstances. Whether it’s a first job or you have made many transitions throughout your career, finding the right job, especially given our current circumstances, can be confusing, discouraging, and exhausting.

Thankfully, belonging to the body of Christ means we are called to carry each other’s burdens (Galatians 6:2). The Central community has been blessed with a number of individuals who not only love the Lord and serving others, but who also have a lot of expertise in mentoring and providing career assistance. A group of people with these gifts and who also share a sense of calling have come together to launch an exciting new ministry.

The new Career Care Ministry is the result of this sense of calling. The Career Care team will walk beside, serve, and encourage job-seekers providing mentorship and career assistance as their lives continue to be transformed by the renewing work of Jesus Christ. Under the leadership of Pastor Charles Godwin, the ministry team is comprised of Amanda Lothman, Bob Mark, Terry Fox, Pat Stark, Pete Deibel and Gary Smith. Many members of the ministry team have been helping people in this capacity over the years, but this is the first time Central has offered a specialized ministry for this very purpose.

The ministry has developed a defined process and resources to assist the participants in this systematic faith based engagement. If you or someone you know is actively looking for new employment, no matter where you are in the search process, or if you are interested in joining the ministry as a mentor, we encourage you to contact our the Career Care ministry. Your requests will of course be kept in strict confidence. May the Lord bless you in your search!

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