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by Jeff Brown on June 03, 2022

Ah, summertime. Family vacations, barbecues, lazy days spent at the pool, playing baseball, quiet evenings on the deck…whatever your summer days might look like, it’s a great time of year to reconnect with friends and family.

It’s also a great time to experience the blessings of belonging to the body of Christ at Central. There are many opportunities this summer for you to connect, grow, and serve alongside other members of the Central community. Reconnect with old friends, make new ones, and grow as a follower of Christ.

If you are looking for a Bible study, there are two new groups for women starting in June: one on Wednesday mornings studying Habakkuk, and one on Wednesday evenings looking at the book of Titus. For the men, a new Wednesday night group will be working through a topical study on Understanding Christian Character.  Each of study begins on June 22. Whether you are totally new to reading the Bible or have been studying scripture for many years, these groups would love to have you join in.

Wanting something a bit less structured and more social in nature? There are some great events coming up this summer! Central’s Women’s Ministry is sponsoring a trio of walking tours of the beautiful Cathedral Basilica on June 24 (9:30am) and June 25 (9 & 11am). In late July, Women’s Ministry invites you to savor who God is at a “Music and Scripture Soiree.” For the guys, last year’s barbecues were such a hit that we’re bringing them back this year. The first is planned for June 24. Watch for more details coming soon!

One long-standing summer tradition is Vacation Bible School. At Central, we call VBS “Kids Night Out!” On Wednesday nights from July 6 - August 3, kids in grades K-5 will enjoy dinner, skits and music, games, Bible lessons, crafts, and more! Your children are guaranteed to have a great time while learning about God and His love for them.

One Central summer tradition has been greatly missed the past couple of years due to the pandemic. We’re of course referring to summer Sunday brunches. The good news is this July, they’ll be back! Beyond delicious food, Sunday brunches at Central are a great chance to meet new people, catch up with old friends, and “treat yourself” to a morning without having to prepare a meal. It’s also the perfect opportunity to invite family or neighbors to church. After all, who can say no to brunch?

We look forward to seeing you this summer!

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