Fall at Central


Fall just kicked off on Sunday, Sept. 8!

worship at 8:30am and 11:15am
Sunday School at 10am

Join us for an exciting start to the fall season! Our Sunday worship services return to 8:30am and 11:15am, with the Sunday School for all ages in between at 10am.

New on Wednesdays: Join us for Community Night!

wednesday nights starting sept. 11 | 5-8pm

EquipU is being retooled into Community Night this fall. We'll still start every Wednesday night with a delicious meal from Julie and Natalie starting at 5pm, but after that we're creating space for fellowship, praise, and prayer. Find more details here.


 Register for Meals

Join us ON MISSION for Missions Week 2024: Weds.-Sun., October 2-6

Our featured speaker this year is Eric Larsen of NEXT, a ministry of Mission to the World (MTW) that works to develop youth ministry movements by equipping missionaries, national leaders, and indigenous churches to reach the youth in their communities.

Wednesday, Oct. 2, 5-8pm

Community Night Large Group Time: Gospel Purpose in the World featuring a talk and discussion led by Eric Larsen.

Friday, Oct. 4, 6-8pm

Honduras Team 2024 Recap in the Student Center.

Sunday WORSHIP, Oct. 6, 8:30am & 11:15am

Missions Sunday with Eric Larsen preaching both services.


Missionaries will join all our adult Sunday school classes, as well as speaking to our kids and students.

Sunday Missions Lunch, 12:30pm-2:30pm

Featured presenters:
• Rostyslav (Rosty) Semikov (Peace Development Fund - Ukraine)
• Central’s Dobris, Czech Republic Short-Term Mission Team
• Tomas and Zuzana Kerepecky, Church Planting Missionaries in Dobris

Classes, Studies, & Support for Adults


We have several wonderful Sunday School communities for you to be a part of this semester: Gleaners, Growing Together, My Sunday Family, and Navigators.

MEN's & Women's Ministry

Join the men of Central for Bible study & community

We have weekly bible studies and ways to get connected

We have two weekly men's Bible studies and a weekly Men's Fellowship Lunch, as well as Brotherhood & Breakfast and Journey Men, which meet monthly or seasonally. For more information, email Mike Farley, Pastor of Spiritual Formation.

The women of Central will be studying 1, 2, & 3 John

JOIN the group that works for your schedule

We have women's Bible studies meeting throughout the week and online. Find the group that fits your schedule here. For more information, email Julie Geisz, Women's Ministry Director.



This fall, we will add two consecutive Sunday school classes in a new series called “Foundations.” The first class, called What’s In the Bible?, starts on September 8 at 10am in the Library.


If you're struggling with the loss of a spouse, family member, or friend GriefShare is a safe place for you to find biblically-focused support and encouragement. Join them in the Gathering Place at 6pm starting on September 18.

Beginning September 8, Sunday School meets from 10-11am for children 3 years of age and up. Children study through the Bible using the Gospel Project curriculum. They also spend time worshiping, praying, and memorizing Scripture and catechism.

  • Elephant Room (just above the nursery): 3 and 4-year-olds
  • Koala Room (just above the nursery): Kindergarten and 1st grade
  • The Treehouse - Zebra Room (two floors above the nursery): 2nd and 3rd grades
  • The Treehouse - Tiger Room (two floors above the nursery): 4th and 5th grades

Central also has two choirs for our kids; for details, see the Music Ministry section below. Questions about Children's Ministry? Email us.

At Central, middle and high schoolers gather together as they grow in their understanding of God's love for them, connect with one another and the broader church, and serve our communities and the world with the Gospel. We have Sunday school, large and small group time, trips, and events for students in grades 6-12.

Check out the Student Ministry page for information on other Student Ministries events and upcoming trips. If you have questions, email Ari Dayoub, Student Ministry Coordinator.


Calling all singers and instrumentalists!

Looking for a way to use your musical gifts at Central?
We would love to have you join our vibrant and multi-generational Music Ministry.

Interested in joining one of the ensembles or have a question? For information, email Jill Clayton, Music Ministry Coordinator.